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Requirements in Agile

Agile or not, requirements forms the basis of system development and value realizations. This is a series of three targeted workshops.

Workshop # 1 Story writing and Estimation: targets Scrum/Kanban team by focusing on Story writing, estimation, and understanding of team’s capacity.

Workshop # 2 Requirements for PM and PM: targets Product Management team and Product Owner via focusing on requirement elicitation, features writing, estimation, and determining business value.

Workshop # 3 Requirements for Management: targets Product Management team and beyond to bring them in play is vital role in epic and feature writing as well as their estimation and business value determination.


High-Performance teams, how to create and sustain them?

Creating and sustaining high performance team is one of the significant success factors of any organization. This workshop approach the topic of creation and sustaining high performance team from hands on approach for the leaders. In this workshop, you will practice the tools and techniques as well as learn how to avoid anti patterns.


Conduct an enterprise-wide Retrospective

Retrospective is one of the best tools for reflection and continuous improvement. This work shop is designed to learn patterns; you can employ to conduct large scale retrospective where 100s of people participate. The workshop uses hands on approach to create real life situations.

How to remain in promised land of being Agile

Lots of organizations initiate the transformation, become Agile and over the time period Agile values and principles slip away leaving hollow processes and tools. This workshop let you see the pitfalls and techniques to avoid them and remain Agile forever.

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